How Long have you
been Seeking to have moreMagic?
Are you aware that there is more possible with magic here now on
planet earth?
An actualization of these capacities for anyone desiring it
not just the "chosen few"
This is the time that Wizards need to gather together.
This is the time that the creation points of magic and possibility
have opened for us.
This is the time that we have been waiting for.
The time to OWN OUR MAGIC!
>>> What if you could be inspired to your own magic?
>>> What if you were provided a Wizardly playground to explore, strengthen and grow your awareness & capacities with YOUR MAGIC?
>>> What if you had access to a membership that unlocked and revealed your own UNIQUE capacities?
>>> What if together we could bring new magical possibilities to the world?
We have been waiting for you
Whether you are new to Access Consciousness and energy work, or you are a Magician long since trained, this Masterclass will have something for you.
For you to reveal.
For you to explore.
For you to change the world with.
What capacities are you willing to unlock, that you have
never been willing to have before?
What if your greatest requests could show up As if by Magic?
What 's Included
A monthly call with Cassy Summers and other magical Wizards
A monthly Wizard Training Session with Cassy Summers
A monthly FB live with Cassy Summers
As if by Magic Masterclass membership contains:
>>> Full access to the As If By Magic Private Facebook group
and Whatsapp thread
>>> Monthly 90 min group ZOOM calls with facilitation and energy convergence
>>> Monthly 30 min group ZOOMS with breakout sessions to explore, strengthen and grow your capacities & awareness with energy and magic
>>> Exclusive Magic Discounts
>>> Gifts and other unexpected magics!
PREREQUISITE for this class is the Access Bars® class
Your magical life awaits you!
What if your greatest requests could show up As if by Magic?
What if you never again had to doubt the magic you are?
Would you be willing to step into the unbelievable?
You are a magic walking, created moment by moment, based on your willingness or resistance to having all of you and your reality. Actualizing your reality includes having the unbelievable, unreal, unfathomable wondrous magic that you are and have always know was possible.
Your Payment Options
*with BONUS GIFT!*
You are ready to purchase this year long membership in full!
$1422 for the year
which is
You require a bit of space between payments.
$140/month for 12 months
which is
*Do you require country pricing?
Please contact us so we can get you the link that you require.
A Little About
Cassy Summers
Over 3 years ago I created the Access Consciousness™ specialty class As If By Magic®.
I created it for you... for me... for the magical creatures... for my kids... and for a different FUTURE.
I have been creating and out creating this specialty over and over asking for more.
To BE more and find the Wizards around the world required to actualize real true magic here on planet earth.
Would you join me?
Will I get to ask my personal questions about magic and my capacities?
Yes you will be able to submit your questions before each monthly call as well as the possibility of Cassy taking your questions during the live call or facebook live.
What happens if I require one on one facilitation?
Cassy offers private sessions and as a Masterclass member you receive 10%!
Reach out to her to book your session.
Can I get a refund on my membership?
We do not issue refunds on the membership.